This was really hard!
I liked the article on surrounding yourself with your own circle of the wise. I thought it was good advice and advice I had used before in other circumstances. As I searched the search tools, I found very little. Technorati was the easiest to search, but I still didn't find much. I used search terms like YA literature, school library, school librarian, middle school library and got hits each time, but not what I would consider good hits. It was frustrating to wade through everything! I found that many of the 'hits' listed had their last post 100+, 300+, and even 600+ days ago! That can't be a current blog! Also, sometimes I would click on the hit and the blog would have been deleted. The other search tools weren't much more help. The one that I did like, just a little bit, was the Edublogs' Award Winners page. They had a list of blogs by category and it was a short list. That told me they were good and I just clicked down the list to find blogs that would be relevant to me. I found some that I already had subscribed to on my Reader. This confirmed they were good blogs to subscribe to, but I didn't find anything I thought was worth adding to my Reader.
I learned that you can't just search by YA literature and find something good. I found some blogs that belonged to authors and one that was an online book, but I found some strange ones too! (But the strange ones were too strange to share!)
Kindergarteners Can Do WHAAAATTT?
8 years ago
start with the good small list you have of people who are writing about what you want info on...then watch who comments to their blogs or who they quote and link to in their blogs and check out those people/blogs...that is how you find quality additions and additions that meet your needs!